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Messages - Donatello

Pages: 1
SirLouen wrote:
Cada dia son mas largos estos mensajes :D

Es Normal, Tengo mucho que contar...y tu?

DELUGO wrote:
JAJAJAJJA, hey derek, you are everywhere!!

Y Tu Tambien Oriol.

Tecnicas y Tacticas / Have you ever wondered why girls shit test you?
« on: November 01, 2008, 01:11:56 pm »
Shit tests, Inner Game,Sexploitation,Causality of the wussie, natural behaviour and the causality of shit tests

View Shit Tests form a Macro dynamics view point.

Ever wondered why she shit tested you in the first place?...yes then continue reading.

Hi Guys,

About shit tests you\'re making this way too complicated.
there is a post well written by Gmask, relating to shit which many members responded, that is all it is, well written. and well responded to.

Have you ever wondered how naturals can pick up chicks when they don\'t know
jack shit about shit tests?

Easy! Because they don\'t see them as shit tests!

Once you start thinking that you have to start passing shit tests then you lose
focus from your REAL goal, which is finding out what the chick is like and
deciding whether you want her or not.

Ever wonder why chicks (as well as other people) shit test in the first place?


Its a nice little battle, a jostle for the position of power I take it and never give it away. When I dont get the girl its because i gave away the position of power and became her man-bitch.

It is not her fault she was / is sexploited by modern society, forced into the unnatural position of showing traditional (biological) charcteristics associated with men (dominance) Just because she has nice tits and ass (T&A). Sex sells!
this is only her Social character.

Even if society has programmed her to be the dominante one she is biologically programmed to be submissive, to give her body to the dominante male for him to enjoy, and to care for and nurture foth comming offspring, This is her Natural character.

Which of the two do you want to communicate with?

It is not your fault that you are / were also sexploited by modern society, and showing traditional and biological charactistc normally associated to women.
(submissive, wussieness). this is not natural.

But hey, What are you going to do about it?

This is the causality of the wussie. cause and effect.

yes in moderen society the roles have become reversed and women dont want it to be that way!

so who profits from the sexploitation?

Magazine editors and owners, porn barrons, and car manufacturers (como on guys,
the picture of the ferrari (UK edition) with 5 chicks draped aroud it..hidden message \"buy this car and you canhave chicks like this...)

Sexplotation is all around you, goto your local magazine store and look at the covers of various mens magazines...its every where T&A.

I almost NEVER get shit tested nowadays, do you know why?

It\'s because I never put myself in the position where the chick is screening
me, I\'m always making her react towrds me, stimulating her, being the stimulus for her responce, while not atall reacting towards her. TJ´s (Tecnique Junkies) may see this as \"ahh he´s giving her hoops to jump through\" but no! I am the one that is screening her and giving her the opportunity to show me she\'s the type of
chick I should be with.

Understand the causality of the shit test. Why is she shit testing you?

She is shit testing you because she feels the need to screen you. If she spent just 5 mins with every guy that showed intrest in her, she would never get anything done.
never get any where, miss her train, be late for university/college/work/VIP apointment. etc etc.

Its a time management tool, to find out if he is the real deal. She has way too much going on in her independent life to give 5mins to every jerk that approaches her.

If you are doing things correctly, on a natural game basis, she is not going to shit test you, because she WANTS to be with you. She may still just throw you a little curve ball, but that is just to reasure herself that you are the REAL DEAL and not some pussy-whipped man-bitch that she will tool into buying gifts taking her on expensive dates, nice resturants, etc, etc. A walking talking ATM. I repeat she has to reasure herself that you are the real deal.

The causality (cause & effect) of the shit test is she is testing you because she likes you (go re-read and understand that statement). I recognise shit tests as indications of intrest, (IOI) and just continue. She is testing me because she likes me, and wants to know if I am the read deal or not.

She is not going to submitt her body for some lame-assed wussie to enjoy, or to some one that she see´s as a lame assed wussie. No f*cking way

That is why some guys get last minute resistance. What is last minute resistance other than a very very late indication that you are not the real deal? And by real deal i mean in tune with your natural character.

She is just not sure if you are the real deal or not and BANG! the shutters go down and the panties aint comming off and your spending a night with your hand with a hot chick laying next to you!

later you may refere to her as a \"cock teaser\". But that is not the case. take responsability for your actions. It was YOUR FAULTthat you did not communicate
your natural charcter with her natural character end of story! No excuses. Take responsability for your actions, President Harry Truman had a placque one his desk that read \"The Buck Stops here\".

There was a time when I was in the City of Dublin, Ireland when I was with Cortez,
many of the guys Including Cortez opened a 3 set in a club, they were giving the guys the \"were lesbiens\" line to screen / shit test them.

when i approached, i also got the \"were lesbiens line\" I just could nt have given a sh*t if they were or not and responded with \"and?\"
the leader girl \"no its just that when we say that guys ask us to start kissing each other\" I replied with \"well if others dont like the fact that your lesbiens...then they dont have to look.....its their problem not yours!....I have (I commented upon a visable medical condition) , but if other people dont like it, its their problem, they dont have to look...i dont give a sh*t, a flying horses cr*p, it´s their problem, not mine.\"

The girl bended, doubled at the knees like no other I had saw givving off massive unconciouse bodylanguage signals of intrest, things that she could not conciously control. I did not get that girl due to my inexperience at that time (not taking care of the friends (cock block, take away girl, whatever!) as her friend manhandled her and physically pulled her away away from me, like a doorman would remove you from a club.

That is how you deal with sh*t test. Note how I maintained the position of power and did not give it away.

More reciently In the Micheal Collins Bar in Barcelona, I opened some chick with the typical very social way of just knocking my beer against hers and \"cheers!\"
She responded by kissing both my cheeks.

I asked why she kissed both my cheeks (hey guys I knew why, its spanish custom to do so) she hesitated a little, \"I ask you because I´d, kiss both your lips, the upper and the lower ones!\"
girl responded with \"whattttttt\" expecting me to retract my statement and apologize for offending her....Recognise the signals, come on guys, a short skirt and long legs, she was out fishing for a man! I looked her deep in the eye, then suggestivly up and down...\"yep.....I would\". then paused for tension and....
\"sex with a stranger......lets go racka-racka-racka\"

Again see how I never gave away the position of power or responded to her in the way that she expected me to do.

In effect I do not allow girls to communicate with their sexploited social character and go straight for her natural character.

Once I have opened I do not talk about myself, or answer any question that she may have related to me, I may in fact respond to her questions with another question, being mysteriose, women find that attractive, but besides the point Im not giving her what she wants, even if its some useless info like my age, where im from, what do i do for a living etc etc. Its really easy to do. just think about it.
There was some time when someone asked me \"hey is it true that you always answer a question with another question?\"
\"who told you that?\"
Im sure you guys get the idea!.

The reason i do not talk about myself is because she is not intrested!
how many guys go talk to some hottie and all they do is talk about themselves or do some story telling, or try to Impress the girl into a legover-between-the-sheets olympic event!

I´ll tell you why, SHE DOES N´T CARE!, she doesnt give a toss about your independent character, that you are the star center forward for CF.Mollette de Valles or your taste in music, what films you like, where you have travelled or even your personal intrests, sure she is intrested in those things in the \"getting to know you Phase\" but not straight off the bat.

these things I may talk about later, only if the convo is naturally directed in that way.

The objective is not to f*ck the chick, but to make a deep rooted emotional connection, after knowing some girl for a short period of time, to hear her saying \"I feel like I have known you all my life\" while you are in a sweaty glaze after busting a nut fucking her!

Things I will be demonstrating while I´m in set with a chick is my social ability, social skills This may be done by introducing my friend or wings to the girls, being generally very sociable or speaking and/or/not necesarily flirting with other girls within eye shot of the girls, In this I include speaking with my buddies while the girls are close by. Leaving set telling the girls I have to check up on my friends, an alpha that cares entering the set with something social \"clicking\" glasses with the girls, asking \"so how are you girl doing?\", \"where are you girls from?\" \"whasss-up!\".
maybe I even pretend to take a photo with an imaginary camera and tell the girls they are beautifull and i just had to have their photo! Or something Honest \"your beautifull\" a compliment as EX president of the United states Aberaham Lincoln noted \"Everyone loves a compliment\".

This is my (and your) Interdependent character, the way in which I relate to the world and people around me. The bonus is its completely natural and normal.
We as humans are social beings.

the female of the species does not want to meet some social retard. You will be at some time at a social event of hers, a dinner with her friends, a Double date, a function where she has to have a partner, cousins wedding, her friends birthday party and she does nt want to be holding your hand asking if your ok every five minutes.

part of your Interdependent character is developing your character, what you do outside of work/university social clubs like you go to a language class on mondays and wednesday, tueday and thursady you do martial arts. Friday you go down the gymn every other wednesday everning after language class you meet up withyour buddies and watch champion league football and sunday you spend with family and close friends.

this is importaint to her(and you), as if she ever wanted to end the relationship she knows that you will not be a needy wussbag loser boy annoying her or stalking her.

this is good for you as if you are a very sociable person with lots going on in your life, she will easily be sucked into your world and once she is and if your in a Long term relationship, she is the one that will be going back to her old friends that she long forgot about, and will miss after a short while being part of your social circle, the attention that she got and that they gave to her.

But Im not going to communicate with her natural character.

Im Communicating with her Natural Character, with my natural charcter, the one where she is naturally submissive, caring and more than willing to look after and submit her body for the dominante male to enjoy.

the place where we are both in harmony with our energies and the natural ballance of the universe.

The animal kingdom does not have to deal with sexploitation, or even shit tests.

Sexploitation Does not exist in the natural world. Neither do shit tests.

Think about it.

Why do we chase women instead of settling for one - like most of the other
guys in the world? No clue. We are a unique class of guys. Maybe we got cut off
too early from our mother\'s milk - so we spend the rest of our lives looking
for that same titty again.

Offtopic / The natural ballance of the universe part 2
« on: October 15, 2008, 07:39:06 pm »
The wussification of the western male part 2

It was his role to be the natural leader and all of a sudden he is competing with women and often being outperformed by them. They hold higher positions than him in the work environment, etc.
A woman’s power and ‘who she is’ obviously extends into her relationships with men. She expects things. She can take of herself. She is opinionated and goal-oriented. She has taken on the roles that man used to have available to him.
So what does this do to a relationship? Where do I start? At best, our relationships with these empowered women have become 50/50. Even alpha males themselves are caught up in massive power struggles with an independent woman in a relationship.
They are both used to ‘leading’. Obviously this creates drama, turmoil, tension especially after the initial sparks (she’s so much ‘like’ me).
Finding a woman who ‘has it all together’ may seem GREAT when ‘dating’ but unfortunately means that your long-term relationship has AT LEAST a 50% chance of NOT being together.
Even more if you are an alpha male who is very set in your ways and opinionated. She’s become too much like a man. There is no one to suck up all of the drama, energy and light like there used to be...except, the WUSSBOY.
The thing is, I don’t believe all men are supposed to be wussies; I know they aren’t. Nature and evolution and theocracy says they aren’t. Who is the ultimate wussboy? How about a 40 year old virgin?
Take this apply it across an entire country who is confused or intimidated by our independent and GPPS (gold-plated pussy syndrome) or ‘pussy power’ women; then what?
No one would be procreating and we would eventually become extinct. This is a defiance of nature. All species naturally know how to perpetuate themselves without anyone have to teach them. But something called the ‘forced reality’ has changed this.
This social and cultural reality we have placed upon the traditional and biological reality of our grandparent’s generation (and the dominant paradigm in most of the world) has thrown the power balance off and deeply affected man’s behaviour and how he views women.
A wuss is blinded by a woman’s beauty and the constant media exploitation of sex I call
 the ‘blue balls’ syndrome where we can’t get enough). It’s just added value and edification, so men think that anytime they see a hot woman they’re going to want to treat her like a Queen and put her on a pedestal.
I remember I never used to eat candy but during basic training we were put in an environment where it’s ‘value’ was placed so ‘high’ that people would pay 20Euro for a candybar.
After we went through weeks of training and saying we couldn’t have cake or candy, the ice cream truck would roll up to the range we were at and everyone would run over with their hands in the air and rifles still on semi (literally) and gorge out on candy and ice cream.
Can you see the social proof going on here too, ‘everyone else wants some’.
I was aware of what was going on but got in on it too and never had so much candy in my life as Army basic training (and I still ate the least in my squad). Why? It was edified so much and taken away and then we could finally ‘have some’ guys went nuts over it.
This is essentially a forced or added value reality as well which applies in parallel to how men view women...they’re ‘weak’ or have a ‘soft spot’ for any of the sweet sugar.
A wussies emotional response will be very high and uncontrollable because he is operating from the unnatural paradigm of viewing the world; that of the forced reality. He will be nervous, insecure, hesitant, and lose all grounding in his own true self because he is operating in the wrong reality which women don’t respond to.
He is placing too much important on his perception of her beauty (founded from the social exploitation that connects with a man’s inner desire for sex) and placing it all on her before he even knows what she is really like.
This really is selfish. His chance with a hot woman is next to none in our country. Women still want men to be men despite their own ‘sexed up’ appeal.
Women’s behaviours are DRAMATICALLY different than women around the world and I don’t think our men realize this. I have good news: the way she is acting is NOT natural so you can have some comfort there; and this is whether she is even aware of it or not.
More good news; YOU, ME (previously), and other  men behaving like a wuss is NOT natural. It’s all founded upon this ‘forced reality’ we’ve built up and  

is limiting your true success with women AND your long term self-preservation and peace. It’s more than not just being a wuss anymore, you really have to understand ALL of the implications, paradigms and behaviour patterns.
You have to come from a reality which is stronger than the wuss producing ‘forced reality’ that our society has created that is 100% pervasive in our media. It’s hard to ‘be’ different in taming your emotional response if you don’t understand a stronger paradigm that is more closely related to what she responds to anyways.
Let me say that you don’t have to become a student of ‘seduction’ or ‘pick up’ or even be a super geek in order to experience natural success with women.
It’s not just a thriving buzz-worthy subculture that deserve to have dating or relationship success; it’s the majority of the men in Western society and the women as well. In fact, most men although a little tense and desperate for sex (especially with the carrot being waved in front of us all the time) just don’t want to change their own behaviour.
Little do seduction experts realize that they are adapting to our own forced reality while not even being aware of the natural paradigm that women are aching for (real men who lead strong lives who aren’t trying to ‘pick them up’ but) where it happens naturally.
Seduction experts are getting laid but really are just finding effective ways to deal with these women’s high level social persona and how to counterattack it by becoming rejection proof warriors (literally) of this new social dynamic.
Like I said, most men just aren’t ready to go to that extreme in order to be successful, they are just confused. They know that women want to meet ‘real men’ like them but are wondering why they aren’t. Well, it’s because they’re acting wussy and giving her the favour.
These men don’t have to be jerks or bad boys to counterattack not being a wuss (of course that accelerates the biological attraction with these women) but there is a completely different paradigm that no one is seeing which has gotten covered up; that we are ALL naturals.
You can’t be a wuss and to stop being a wuss and truly be yourself, you have to become fully aware of your own inherent right to power and 100 other things. You have the power and the ‘forced reality’ is stripping away your success and a huge chunk of your own balance, placement and lifelong happiness.
Once you understand fully what has been holding you back and realize there IS  

another paradigm that women are desperate for men to be coming from INSTEAD of being wussies (or even pick up artists which they will fall for now and then), and that is that of a natural.
Dewussifying yourself can come through the mass understanding of all of these dynamics’ that even 50/50 relationship counsellors can’t even see because they’re dwelling in the wrong paradigm in the first place.
If you’re not going to go the route of seduction expert to try and ‘get some’ from women, but would rather have them be attracted to you and (like a more natural man anyways) live in alignment with your true self and give women what they want, then you’re going to have to have a massive leverage of change to stop being a wussy.

Surface solutions or the next pick up line just can’t cut it; those are such short term fixes that are variables anyways. Women really respond powerfully to a man who is fully ground and congruent in his reality and there leverage to find these men is GREAT. You have a decision.
Continue on with your behaviour patterns (which aren’t your foundational ‘fault’ so don’t beat yourself up over it, but you’re accountable for) or make the change; the massively leveraged changed and the only one that can bring you back into a level of power and control over your life that you’ve never had yet.
When I achieved this breakthrough all of my fears of women disappeared because I understood everything and how it ‘all fit together’. It is nothing less than seeing the ‘matrix’ because it IS our underlying foundational paradigm which has been clouded over.
You can have this power. With seduction it could take 2 years of intensive in the field experience to develop a persona to relate to women to get success; it’s your call. Combine both if you want but the REAL POWER lies in being a true natural and being your real self without your perceptions of women upfront get in the way.

Wussiness it NOT being a true natural. It’s time to take your power back.

It’s not about being a pure conservative traditionalist but really about understanding why you deserve the power from all of the different angles. If you really want to be around a woman who is ‘your everything’ you need to step back and realize how wussy this really is.
Does she really control your own actions and emotions that much? Are you like this all of the time and how would your behaviour be in the future when you’re actually being your true self?
Taking your power back is all about understanding our ‘forced reality’, the natural paradigm of reality as well as your options (for short term and long term success).
They just really have too many issues to ‘solve’ for the long-term in relationships in order to ‘settle down’ and be like a simpler mother; she just ‘becomes’ with baggage (more like a highly developed man like me except my role IS the provider).
I can’t even give my approval stamp for independent western society women for marriage though they really are awesome people and some of the most fascinating women in the world. Sadly enough many of them really are ‘home wreckers’ without their own knowledge or acknowledgement of it.
I would say that goes for alpha males specifically. If you’re a man who wouldn’t mind some extra drama and challenge in your life and aren’t as strongly goal oriented as others, maybe it might work as 50/50 but it’s all about you having the power and choice; it’s YOUR life.
Ironically a man will be more his normal self in a marriage situation when all of the ‘pressures’ are off only to find out that the pressures are actually ‘on’. Maybe it was like me going through basic training and then thinking things would get better at my unit but it was the worst psychological time of my life. Things were supposed to be ‘ok’, but got worse. Millions of  men have found this out.
How did this come about and are men naturally wussy? Remember the historical truth; female empowerment (stemming from the early 20th century) has thrown off the balance of the natural paradigm of relationships that worked. It is the root cause.
Because women have the opportunities, freedoms men do and in many cases are just as capable or more so than men in different areas, there is at best a balance of power 50/50 and oftentimes completely in her favour. Women are very aware of their power.

So is female rights an issue?
Why do I bring it up? Isn’t it something that we live with and take for granted? That’s the whole point. Despite it’s double-edged sword (or burning the candle at both ends) we have to live with the current state of our society.
However if we can understand WHY things are the way they are, and see something different, you can better live your life in natural harmony and alignment.
This empowerment has thrown off the balance of all types of interpersonal relationships (though we are used to the work environment for several decades now). Her now inherent power extends INTO her relationships. The relationship becomes two people who are unknowingly struggling for power. She has demands and can take care of herself just fine.
Men have become confused as to their natural and expected role as leader of the relationship and have understandably let this confusion oppress them. This has changed their behaviour patterns around women, partly because of intimidation and the high level drama she brings with her and has led to a subtle shift of power.
A man has taken on more feminine qualities in the sense that he has become more ‘wussified’. Our media and society does not help this either. What I call the ‘forced reality’ makes it even harder for men to understand their place in life. Men do not want to be wussies but will often act like it so as not to hurt an independent woman’s social persona.
Media propagation and the portrayal of men in sitcoms is only perpetuating this new identity of the ‘sensitive’ man, essentially being made to fit in a stronger female influenced society. It is also directly or indirectly tied to the number of gay people we have as well as the power of sex and beauty exploitation.
Men are being oppressed through cultural influence and perceptual expectations and when they go home to a go-getter wife who voices more opinions than him, he sinks further into his shell.
It is not directly our fault that we have been ‘wussified’ as a national majority of men, neither is it a woman’s fault that she was brought up to be who she’s part of life that we are used to.
Underneath the cultural ‘forced reality’ which has been built up in the 20th century, lies a traditional paradigm where women are forced biologically to respond to a man who knows how to create attraction in the male first, female second relationship dynamic.

Underneath it all, man still has his biological right to power despite it’s almost complete smearing by our mass media except for a few male role models.
This means, if you can understand a different paradigm; (one in which most of the rest of the world is aligned with) you can live a more naturally aligned life as a man. You can rediscover your own power without shame or confusion and you can BE who you were meant to be while laughing in the face at ‘wussification’ and how it’s unnaturally been holding YOU back from clarity and living your life purposely.
Millions of lives are in relational turmoil because of the opposite effect of part of the greatness of our culture. Families are being torn apart every single day in the western world.
Millions or billions of dollars won and lost yearly in ridiculous lawsuits by ‘victimized’ or ‘gold-digger’ mentalities. Lives destroyed and why? I think you might be seeing it.
Maybe I wouldn’t have to be so adamant if millions of mens lives really were being massively affected.
What about lighter issues such as 40 year old virgins (which is NOT a light issue to those who are it)? What about how women will often reject men before they even approach her? Why do women treat men the way they do?
Why do men dread marriage and often refer to it as a ball and chain? Why do a large number of wives ‘nag’? Is this natural? Keep reading..
Sadly, for our women, if men took all of their power back, women would be disadvantaged for long term relationships because men will find that there are generally FAR more desirable women for marriage than a woman from the developed world woman.
The power right now is currently in women’s favour and massively so for starting
relationships (despite what they may say, they don’t want it to be). Unfortunately
millions of men are limiting their thinking and getting themselves into yet another troubled relationship without understanding ‘why’ or what is really going on.
The European Community has a 50% divorce rate; second to none in the world. We have relationship and marriage counsellors who themselves have been divorced. Everyone is looking at the ‘surface level’ dynamics.
In fact, how we live today is so pervasive or saturated that we can’t even remember what it used to be like or see the real root of the problem. I guarantee you there are grandparents left today that are shaking their heads at what has happened in our society
 and marriage.
How is it that after 57 years of marriage together, my remaining grandmother will still talk to my grandfather after his death (and they had rocky times), when today some women will curse, nag, throw appliances at her husband and take him for ‘everything he’s worth’ in a bitter divorce?
What has changed here? What did ‘MEN’ do to deserve this? Maybe act a little friendly or wussy to her when he met her and then settled into his comfortable own self when they got married? Is this reason alone for the behaviour patterns of millions of European/american wives to nag?
Is ‘money’ really the cause of divorce? What do you think? Money is an inanimate object..too much of anything can be hazardous (ie. water). That’s just an answer our relationship counsellors and others have come up with to try and explain because they can’t see what the real root of the problem is.
And yes it is a problem. Ask the millions of divorced men who were just being themselves in a marriage. Should marriage have to be like this?
I’m here to bring some hope to men but also to explain a little bit about where the wussification came from and the dynamics in our long term relationships with our ‘new’ women. It will be up to you how you deal with it and make decisions in your life.
It’s not your fault no one taught you this before or made you aware. It took me a decade to finally see it after much observation, objectification and insight. I’ve had to step outside our society many times and view things from a different perspective.
Is it a woman’s fault for acting the way she does towards men or expecting so much? She has even more power than men in many cases. It’s how she was brought up. These are great women that are really more like us (and in some cases smarter and more capable), but just have a lot of drama for the long haul that I can’t deal with.
Could you?
What is sad is that most first world men can’t explain why they are so confused when it’s comes to dealing with and especially ‘living with’ first world
 women. In their relationship they do not feel that everything is right.
I will be heavily focusing on marriage relationships here because I want to take you to the ‘end in mind’ so you are really aware of what is going on in our society. I will say  

There is a great leverage of powerful knowledge in the ‘Accelerated Mating Programme’ which will allow you to have natural success with women without having to become a super-devoted PUA (pick up artist) or student of seduction. You will be able to give women what they want as well as more fully understand the global dynamics I am introducing here.
Getting that ebook is a simple solution for the euro-american man to have much more success in ‘dating’ (loosely defined term) women. But the long-term implications of these dynamic women leads to turmoil in at least half of all relationships because the man thought he was supposed to have the power. She can’t help being who she ‘is’.
You can have the power if you so choose to stop any wussy behaviour you have had, clear away all confusion if you open your mind and be more successful in all of your relationships with women while being more naturally aligned as a man.
Men do not want to be repressed; it’s NOT in our nature. Our general wussification is the pure result of the empowerment of women and the changing dynamics it presents.
I have personally felt oppression and wussification while in some relationships with European women...I just stopped being myself around her..the glimmer in the tiger’s eye faded.
This is what our nation of men is going through and they KNOW that something isn’t right but they are having to deal with the challenge and trying hard to make relationships ‘work’.
We’ve all found ourselves ‘going along’ with what our society is and preaches (on feminine power) because it’s now the part of the fabric of our nation and is probably irreversible.
Despite it’s advantages, not until I realized what dire problems this really reveals did I understand why it’s so important. Millions of men are confused when it comes to dealing with women and relationships and especially marriage with our 50% divorce rate.
Millions of families are broken and not because of ‘money’. What is the reasoning behind this? There IS reasoning and up until now it’s just been invisible.

Some pussy-tranced men can’t really see down the road when choosing to be around an ‘exciting’ ‘fascinating’ desirable and drama-ful woman; ‘she’s everything’. They also don’t realize that they’re NOT acting like their real self when meeting her; they’re putting on a ‘nice’ front to try to appease her when she knows what they want anyways.
But further down the road if he chooses a real go-getter, little does he realize his price to pay will be a lot of his own character in the power tradeoff. If she’s the world to you, she’ll probably OWN YOU and there is trouble down the road unless you WANT to be an oppressed and wussified man with nothing better to do than to get your drama and energy from your ‘beauty queen’.
If you’re thinking ‘she’s the one’ and you’d do anything for her, think about the long term implications; is it really going to be like this a year into marriage or are you going to be more who you really are as a man?
Many men are wussified because of our culture so much so that it is part of their character and personality permanently. This is sad but if they want to get their inspiration from a woman who can unintentionally play the lead in the family, then maybe it would work out.
But if the man is strong and the woman is strong, watch out (just look at our celebrities). The signals are really quite obvious and can even begin if she orders something from a restaurant and is extremely picky. There are signs that you can look for by using my ‘fast forward’ technique to prevent future stress.
Why are men often so afraid to ‘stand up to women’? Especially in a long term relationship? Often it may seem like a losing battle and they just let her have control due to their confusion.
Hey, those men got themselves into that situation in the first place, but maybe they didn’t see it coming or didn’t realize there were other options. Maybe they just didn’t see the signs.
European women generally today are so demanding, picky and finicky more than EVER in the history of the world. Their qualities have become more like a man’s yet often exacerbated due to their more emotional nature and actions are often quite unexplainable.
Once again, am I the hardcore traditionalist who thinks a woman should be barefoot and pregnant over the kitchen sink? No.
You see...the problem with the hardcore traditionalists is that they won’t admit that  

there have been women of power or influence who have added value to all of our lives. They don’t think that ANY women should have power.
Could you imagine how boring our world would be without that? If women wouldn’t be allowed to do anything like sing, dance, work, compete or build a business?
I just can’t agree with the hardcore traditionalists on the angle that no woman should have power. If it’s up to me, hey, give more women power because I’ll be dating them short term and being friends with the rest of them BUT I just won’t marry one unless I expect drama and daily battles. There are other options for that, plus I understand the macro dynamics, how to create attraction, etc..
I want peace in my life long term because I have too much drama in what I do for work. Men have drama at work and are coming home to even greater drama. They didn’t ask for this level of stress (or did they unknowingly by marrying her?).
Marrying an independent ‘go-getter’ woman could possibly be a losing proposition for the average guy. Despite her positive attributes, if you’re married now to a strong woman, please try to make it work and be very careful with the powerful information you have now.
What you do is in your hands and I don’t recommend that you start treating her much differently just because you realize a few foundational things now. This information is more geared towards single men to get them informed on our REAL social dynamics and the implications it brings.
Of course in relationships there is love and I’m not denying that. But there is also a lot of additional baggage of drama and love/hate that men are finding out when they’re married.
Her behaviour patterns will change. Sometimes within a week after the honeymoon especially if she thinks you’re a ‘hot catch’ with a lot of money and even if you have it all ‘together’ yourself; she’ll dupe you whether intentionally or not in many cases.
Look at Scarlet O’Hara and Rhett Butler in ‘Gone with the Wind’. Same story. He had it together and she was a feisty one that withheld sex from him.
I’m a strong-minded man and no woman is going to hold me back or down in life. It just cannot and will not happen. I know what my destiny is and you could offer me Adriana Lima herself on the condition of I’d have to give up my destiny and I would without thought turn her down.  

I wouldn’t do it. Why would I get myself into a situation where anything prohibits me from completing my life goals? What kind of magnet do you think I am for women if I stand this strong? I also teach you in my work to develop your own strong lifestyle so you can’t be swayed by emotional response of the wrong paradigm.
If you choose a woman who is strong, beautiful, opinionated and independent there are GOING to be consequences; it’s a double-edged sword and after a while you may be asking what positive benefit there is at all especially once your perception of her glory fades and the other side of her comes out.
Short term, as soon as you let a woman like this ‘know how you feel’ is the time that she will stop returning your phone calls. It’s a predictable pattern.
Men today though are often questioning their role as leader of the house because of the constant demands on her part; hey, it’s just part of who she is and now you have to live with it.
It was like putting my class reunion together where I was in control but my go-getter vice president being outspoken as she is made it seem like she was doing all the work (which was great, less for me).
I’m a producer one point she went weak and of course I pulled us through in the end. But I couldn’t imagine being married to a woman like this but wussy men really are and maybe they don’t mind; it’s up to you to decide where you are.
A man will be himself and wondering what he is doing wrong (if anything)? Repression (which he didn’t know about) on the woman’s part will turn to nagging her husband. Is this natural? It is for HER. She is socially conditioned to expect a lot and she knows how to take care of herself, why should she have to listen to everything he says?
This is just pushing  husbands into a state of confusion and more wussification. They’re (understandably) questioning their own ability to lead the family when they AREN’T the problem in the first place; they’re just living with an independent woman.
And if that’s just ‘how they are’...well, I’m not going to live with that, I’m just going to go a different route and find a woman who just doesn’t come with all of the drama and baggage in the first place anywhere near that level.
Men naturally know HOW to lead a family but women today are ‘challenging’ that with their actions. The power of women has thrown the traditional paradigm of balance off in a marriage.  

Is it supposed to be 50/50? Two equal partners coming together? Hah. We only THINK it is because that’s all we’ve been taught and shown. It’s more like this 50/50 formula = 50% divorce rate.
Her behavioural characteristics are unknowingly threatening the very existence of the relationship because the man IS being himself (and trying to) in the long term relationship.
It’s her power that defies all of tradition and has thrown the balance off and people can’t figure it out. There have been a few Joan of Arc’s and Cleopatra’s throughout time but rarely like there are today in our culture.
There is no question in the Bible and I believe in all major religions that the man is the obvious predestined head of household and it’s not even to be questioned. But’s questioned by the feminists. ‘How dare women be repressed through all of time?’ which translates to our modern day ‘How dare men know their place as head of the house to keep the family together and try to tell her what to do?’
Well..that’s what’s happening.
Traditional women KNOW their role and don’t question it. They aren’t on power trips like many women in our society today (as we know why).
Our men are wussified and oppressed because of having to deal with their own wive’s more independent and mature/opinionated attributes. They were the natural leader of the house but her behaviors make them question everything.
Men should ultimately be their true self in a long term relationship and wussification isn’t letting that happen because even though a husband may be comfortable on the couch with a beer and her resentment grows into nagging, he is still being held back partly in fear of the response she will have to more of his actions, like he’s actually doing something ‘wrong’ or something.
There are different traditional roles that can be taken on so things are balanced. For example the husband can earn 90% of the income and spend 10% of his time with the kids while the wife spends 90% of the kids. 50/50 is just what we’re accustomed to in our culture. Balance in the marriage is traditionally more role focused, whereas now that ground is ‘fragile’ to walk on.
Will I start and raise a family? Yes, I want to. But for it to work, I’m going to have to get a wife who knows her biological and traditional role of taking care of the kids 90%  

of the time, cleaning, cooking and supporting me while I provide for, protect them and keep working on achieving my lifetime goals.
Imagine the train wreck or wrench just thrown into the system like so many  men are experiencing DAILY when a wife won’t do the basics of what he thought was expected of her and when does do it, she nags.
I have SEEN this. My dad’s been married several times and his latest wives would just bitch, gripe, nag and complain about anything and nothing. HE had to do the cooking because they wouldn’t.
I’ve been telling him for years that there are no options in Wisconsin. Sorry to say but around there if there are ANY good looking women they’re taken right away.
His small thinking left him limited to what was only surrounding him in a couple counties but he is now opening his mind to other options after the great drama and trauma he has suffered through while he was just being himself during marriage.
One of my friends was married to a woman that would be a witch when I was there...screaming, yelling and telling him to do things and what she’s ‘not’ going to do while he and I were working on our business.
Finally they got divorced. I just can’t imagine this level of drama in my life (100% unacceptable) or why ANY guy would want to put up with it. Divorce ISN’T supposed to happen but in our new reality it’s EASY to see why. It’s a power struggle.
If a guy can come home to a clean house and a good meal after work without hearing any drama or bickering, in today’s day and age for millions of men that would just be a sign from heaven and they would be so grateful.
What is WRONG with this picture? Nothing. That’s how it used to be. That’s how our grandparents made it work. Hmm...Oh, but watch what you say around the feminists..whatever.
I’m not going to let a group of women who have histories of failed relationships or resentment towards strong men tell me how to live what I know is universally and biologically accurate. Are you? It’s your life.
Remember who is going to give you less drama; the nagging resentful and ‘repressed’ wife at home or a wife who naturally does those things because it’s how she was brought (and more biologically accurate)?  

I’m talking about the little things. Cooking and household chores getting done WITHOUT any nagging. Is that even possible some guys ask? Of course. You probably married a strong woman though if you’re getting the nagging issue and you’re probably not doing anything wrong, just in her mind you are. It does NOT have to be like this.
You shouldn’t have to wonder “Who’s going to ‘catch it’ next”? As my dad said about one of my stepmothers who would throw kitchen utensils around and pound hammers into doors.
Whether it’s right for a more traditional woman to ‘demand’ that her husband cook or clean instead of her or that she should DEMAND more because she heard a bossy woman say she should ‘be more independent’ who herself is successful in work and other areas but has her life all screwed up in when it comes to relationships; who do you want to hear it from? Why do you think the Russian bride trend is
I speak again for women around the world in most cultures; it’s ok to want to care for their kids and stay at home and hold the fort together as her main purpose in life. I didn’t realize how admirable this is until recently.
Raising kids is no small thing...I don’t think I could deal with the time, demands, drama and stress of it (because it’s not in my nature, nor most men’s). A mother is supposed to be the primary nurturer role, and the father secondary.
What is wrong with having a woman who actually supports you, does her natural roles without complaining most of the time and gives you a massage once in a while (I can hear the feminists cringe on this one)?
Nothing. You just have to find a woman who is naturally like that. My suggestion? Go East. Far East. Because you will not find her in the U.S. unless you find an enclave of naturally traditional women that haven’t had the mainstream social influence and conditioning.
Fathers can actually enjoy raising a family, living domestically with that perfect balance that has been ‘right’ through all of the ages WITHOUT getting a divorce or having additional drama, keeping the family together if they get a wife who REALLY IS more traditional and natural in her behaviour patterns and beliefs.
Yes, they’re not as exciting or drama-ful but will allow you to be your true self. And they will be their true self because they haven’t been brought up to demand things from men. Marriage doesn’t even seem half bad when you have an option like this.

Guys, many of you are going to HAVE to look outside the boundaries which our culture has set upon you. Our media itself is so pervasive that it’s near impossible to escape it’s influence.
You can go anywhere in the world within 48 hours -ANYWHERE. You get on a plane. Step off a plane and all of a sudden you’re in a different country still holding the same carry-on bag you had when you left (it still fascinates me). It’s a refreshing break to experience women who ARE more natural and who just don’t bring the same level of expectations and drama to the table.
With traditional women, it’s not that the ‘man’ is ‘repressing’ them; they KNOW what to do as wife or mother and will respect the word of the head of the household, the man. Of course he should not abuse his role though.
Guys, there’s nothing wrong wanting to come home when you’re married after a hard day’s work and expecting food to be cooked and your wife to give you a kiss on the cheek without nagging. Actually, there is something wrong with that if you’re married to a woman who is too combatant.
It’s only been recently and because of the power our society has given women that have things changed. Yes, our men have been confused as to this power shift. The women just expect things will work out and that they’ll ‘make it work’.
But modern day man is being repressed and wussified due to these changes. What happened to tradition? Women today in  just ARE different. It’s up to YOU whether you want to live with that and feel the effects of some wussification (whether you admit it or not).
Divorce rates of  men marrying ‘foreign’ women are of course much lower than  man and woman getting divorced. Why do you think this is? Something just really IS DIFFERENT about most of the other women in the world. What’s different? They’re normal. They’re traditional. They haven’t been ‘brainwashed’ by social programming in a way.
Here’s the thing...I’ve never been attracted to the traditional western woman whose only goal was to get married and have a family. Now I really respect that like never before. HOWEVER, I’m still not interested in western women even like that for getting married too.
Ultimately yes I may have to settle for quite a bit more ‘boring’ wife (by some terms) yet one that will not bring all the B.S. drama that a guy just doesn’t need in his life.  

Wouldn’t it be nice when you’re ready to have a wife who will support you and know her traditional role because you’re playing yours?
I’m interested in international women especially from Asia now who are more traditional naturally yet to me they aren’t as boring as western traditional women. They have something different, an intriguing twist and a lot of it has to do with the black hair.
I think generally blonde women are overrated anyways. Why is there just ‘brunette’s’ and it stops there? Black haired women represent the majority of women in the world and aren’t even represented with a name in the U.S. until now; I call them ‘ravens’.
If men today could open their eyes to other options they might figure out that what would work best for them in the long run is to consider a more traditional wife who can fully allow the man to be himself and lead the family without any drama or ‘challenge’.
In today’s society in the first world (western society) though, our wussification has become so strong it affects man’s behaviour around women so that maybe he ‘thinks’ he would want a woman like this for the long run.
Think about the future and be aware of your options. Look at what’s really going on. Do you WANT to get divorced and have drama in your life? 50% is a very high number and a high probability. I want to give YOU the power of awareness so you can choose.
I understand and accept the responsibility if it comes down to it that I am speaking for millions and millions of western men. I have that courage to stand up to the media and represent us.
So if you got a major news media connection, hey let me know. you think I’m going to be afraid of ANY woman who thinks her sh*t don’t stink? No. You have to be strong in who you are as a man and not let your perception of her beauty stop you from being your true self at all points in time.
Women today want men to be like men and act like men. They don’t want men treating them like they are the world; they want you to have your own life going on. It defies biology and tradition itself for HER to be in control (today’s women won’t ‘say’ this but they know and feel it).
You have to look at her actions instead of her words. Women are just as confused as men but in different ways. They expect men to stand up and be men despite their own  

feminine empowerment which is basically on his level.
She can’t tell a man how to act; he just has to know. Wussified men are NOT acting normally or naturally and stand little chance with the hottest women.
So I guess my challenge to you is; are you going to be a man and reclaim your inherent right to power? Are you going to stop putting up with a western women’s manipulative behaviour because you finally see what’s going on and the reasoning behind all of it?
That’s up to you. Put your foot down (I’m talking to single guys). You don’t have to put up with any drama that violates your independent paradigm of reality; you don’t have time for it and don’t accept.
In short term relationships this creates attraction; long term it will lead to nagging just because of the type of woman we’re dealing with. You can’t ‘tame the shrew’ long term.
western women feel a gut level attraction to the ‘bad boy’. Why? Because he’s really the opposite balance of her in many ways even though it’s not someone she would settle down with.
These women are more likely to get involved with a bad boy because they are themselves strong and need that level of emotional and sensual ‘kick’ that is missing from their lives.
Now...healthy women from around the world will just plain STAY CLEAR AND AWAY from these bad boys because they know that they will probably abuse them. Now they may still have sexual fantasies about that and I’m with the women on that.
Just because a women may daydream of rape and the scintillating thrill that may come with it doesn’t mean that a guy should EVER rape a woman. Always, ALWAYS have consensual relations.
Would you sacrifice being yourself just so you could ‘have the pleasure of’ being around a beautiful woman? For the long term? Where’s your own dignity and self-respect? The women that you really want are attracted to men who know what they want and where they’re going.
So what is the type of man a woman would settle down with? Hopefully one that acts like a man in the sense that he is the obvious leader of the relationship. Unfortunately our women are so socially conditioned to have high expectations along with their own  

empowerment and independence that they WILL resent a man that ‘tries to hold them down’.
I don’t want to marry a woman who is as independent and developed as men because I have strong lifetime goals. Many women today will wipe a man clean and try and get all of his money. It’s in their nature and is unfortunately a very ‘first world western society’ thing.
I think there’s a balance...we offer the most value to the world in many ways but there are just as many screwed up things about our country as there are good things it seems. Litigations uncomparable to other countries, ‘victim mentality’, poverty, divorce rate, gold-diggers, etc.
You know what is really getting irritating? The way that men are now
portrayed in television on sitcoms. I don’t even fall into the trap of watching that crap. I watch movies and if I do watch t.v. it’s for an event or 1 or 2 shows I’ll follow each year.
But I’ve heard that it’s getting worse and worse.  men are being portrayed as bumbling stupid imbeciles who are weak, can’t make decisions and the women are strong and will save the day?
This is preposterous. What does this say about our nation? Where are the real men to stand up to this crap?! I will. How about you? It’s pathetic and I suppose it’s mostly women watching it (so they get even more independent) but come on..
Clear wussification.
Oh, a lot of guys have fallen into that trap though...met a beautiful woman who was everything they thought they wanted and there were sparks and romance because she was a strong ‘desirable’ woman.
Then the honeymoon is over and they realize what they’ve got themselves into and she’s happy. It was her goal to ‘snag a man’. That’s not a bad goal because it’s traditional except there’s a whole underlying subtext in which you may find yourself struggling for power, handing over more money to her than you thought you would, etc.
Independent women can provide short term passion, drama and romance at the level that more traditional women just can’t. And of course men like you and me can give them this much desired emotion and drama or fulfillment that they crave on a short term (even drama-free) basis.
The more traditional women though...they’re more stable...they have to be stable to  

raise a family properly. The downside is they’re not going to be as ‘exciting’ and this is something I’ll probably have to concede in order to have a stable, happy family where I can be myself.
Hey if you’re a guy who doesn’t have a life plan and doesn’t want might enjoy the drama that a beautiful western woman can bring to your life. She can be the light in your life but you’re going to have to suck up that energy of hers and be struggling with power or mutual decisions (and mutual arguments) all of the time.
As a man you have to have standards.
Fortunately (for many men) western women are now bending those standards
because they can now be attracted to guys that aren’t ‘at their level’ of physical appearance or beauty.
This gives average or augly guys a chance for once in history to get a hot woman.
Otherwise, traditionally it would rarely ever happen I believe in your same country unless there was a forced marriage or he was really rich.
Actually now, I’ve seen fat balding old guys get hot young women from asian countries. Now part of this attraction does have to do with money and opportunity but really the foundation is that he’ll ‘take care of her’; and that’s her way of surviving and perpetuating.
Just don’t look at the guys to judge the girls because they really are of the highest quality and those guys are keeping it a secret.
Well up until now maybe it has been a secret but if you haven’t been to Thailand you just have NO idea. No idea. I’m not just talking about bar girls either. You’ll find that the entire Thai culture is about the happiest people on earth. They have a level of
respect that I haven’t seen in most of europe.
There are hidden droves of real Thai women that aren’t bar girls who would really make perfect wives. I’m keeping a few options on the burner for when I might be ready.
Now feminists would cringe at the word ‘perfect wife’ but why? Only because they’re not going to be the perfect wife. They’ll easily complain that they don’t have the ‘perfect husband’.
That leaves something amiss with them and they can’t figure out why they ‘can’t hold a relationship’ unless it’s with a wussy guy who isn’t being his natural self either.

All of this information may shock you. It may bring to you tears. It may cause you to beat your chest and scream like Tarzan and it may change your life - really. Marriage CAN actually be a pleasant, blissful experience of harmony instead of a daily struggle of being tied down with a prison ball and chain.
Traditional marriage dynamics are what works and has through all of time. This is where a man is NOT wussified, nor is he ‘challenged’ in his role as head of the house.
Is it a long term plan? If you want to be a lifetime bachelor and stay in the US. go for it. But eventually you might want to settle down with a more emotionally stable woman who won’t continue to give you the drama.
I have an Uncle whose wife basically controls everything and he just resents it but they’re still married because they’re old time Christians who aren’t supposed to divorce.
Is THAT what marriage is supposed to be like? Millions of couples stay together
‘because of the kids’. Come on though; the marriage is that fragile? Hey feminists, women didn’t used to be ‘locked in’ they actually enjoyed their housewife role and didn’t give the drama and nagging you women do now.
If you’re getting divorced because of some of these issues. Please try to just foresee the future of what she’s going to be like and ask yourself if you can deal with it. I’ve given my dad this advice years ago and he’s still hasn’t figured it out and it’s cost him a lot of money and hardship.
Women today in western society naturally ARE more assertive it’s WHO they are. You can’t try and tame the shrew effectively long term. Shakespeare didn’t tell the rest of the story. Just understand that you’re ACCEPTING to deal with her drama by choosing an independent woman for however long with the relationship in THE FIRST PLACE.
If you go for the more traditional woman who would yes make a better wife, just try to not break her heart if she isn’t the one for you as these women are actually more ‘fragile’ than the fully independent ones.
Now, more traditional women may actually expect a lot more of you in terms of commitment. So just be careful and know when you’re ready. They’re expectations may be quite high for marriage, but I want you to have the power and choice. They may want you to marry them on even a short notice. It’s their natural instinct.

Long-Term Relational Recap
Let me revisit ‘Stepford Wives’. There is a lot going on here and I highly recommend you read the book or see the movie. Matthew Broderick plays the ‘nice guy’ husband to a strong independent wife ‘Nicole Kidman’.
Without saying, she’s wearing the pants in the family and the power is swayed her way. They move to Stepford Connecticut and without giving away all of the details, the main thing going on is this; everything seems perfect. Too perfect.
All of the wives are happy, good looking, respectful of their husbands, supportive, stay home to cook and clean, etc. All of the husbands (‘wussies’) meet at the country club. Eventually we find out that all of the husbands were ‘nice guys’ and they’re women were really strong minded.
I understand that you shouldn’t in reality change a woman who is really strong back down to the more ‘basics’. You just might have to start off with a woman who never gets all of these ideas of dominative tendencies as part of her character and psyche in the first.
Who is going to hold a better house? A nagging, complaining woman (who complains about anything and nothing) or a more traditional wifey who WANTS to play her traditional role because that’s who SHE is.
. And I’ll speak for the probably 1.5 billion housewives around the world to say that you should be proud of what you are doing. It takes a lot to dedicate yourself to raising a family and keeping house.
Unfortunately you’re not going to be able to take a developed woman and take her back down to the basics as happened in Stepford Wives by ‘taming the shrew’.
So really the answer for me and perhaps millions of other men (and men around the world) may be to not get in that losing proposition in the long term in the first place. Look beyond what a ‘catch’ SHE is and take your own power back.

We can start a movement here. We really could. We can bring back power to the  man. Then what will first world western  women do? You can take your own power back because you were MEANT to have it.
This is why our country’s so screwed up in relationships; the balance of power has tilted the other way. Women have more power than men realize and women know it too, just ultimately resent it.
It would be kind of bitter sweet for these ‘desirable’  women to run out of long term actions BECAUSE OF her own dramaful behaviour if all of the men in the western world took their own power back and looked at more reasonable options for wives...maybe THEN the women would tame down, I don’t know. But this is issue will continue.
I didn’t realize how much power women have’s more than you think. Of course it didn’t make sense to me because it didn’t seem natural but it really is true and most women know this.
They know that they can get things from men when they want by using their feminine power and beauty.
Popular culture has continued to pervade this reality. From Madonna’s “Material Girl” to Destiny’s Child “Independent Women” to even the prospect of a woman running for President (Hillary Rodham Clinton).
The feminist and feminazi’s can be all hardcore but it’s really just the first world family, marriages and the kids that are suffering because of it. Men from the first developed world are confused and know that something doesn’t seem right even though they’re doing their part naturally but their wife actually is ‘getting in the way’.
If you’re a man that hasn’t gone out of the country to try your hand with women elsewhere, try it! BELIEVE DON’T know what you’re missing. You’ll be surprised at how easy it is just to be normal and women will actually respond.
Especially in 2nd or 3rd world countries; you’ll find that mutually beneficial relationships are natural and pleasing compared to the level of drama with western women with head trips.
The dynamics have shifted and vastly changed in the first world. Women do have a lot of power. I know of a lot of families where the woman in the house DOES have the power. Really..she’s become the head and controls the money and decisions. Is it right or wrong? You can decide where you stand for yourself. Each family for themselves.  

And as long as there is a balance between the two to make decisions and work things out a marriage between two independent people could work out but with a lot of debate, compromise and consolation.
Now if you’re a western first world man and married to an independent strong minded woman am I suggesting that you all of a sudden start telling her what to do and expecting more out of her? No.
There is a balance of responsibility. I really DO think that if you can’t hire a maid, that the woman should do the cleaning and cooking and be a housewife in a marriage. If you’re single, decide where you stand on this.
In a 50/50 first world country relationship your wife may not expect to do all of these traditional roles and when she does, may grow up a building resentment towards you for just being yourself which leads to nagging. She’s not used to being treated ‘down’ (in her perception).
So many women now are like, “Don’t cross my line buddy.” Am I saying that women are supposed to be weaker? No. Just naturally as in most cultures around the world, they know what their role is to nurture the kids and stay home to take care of the house; this requires a lot of strength, perseverance and stamina.
You’re not going to find it in relationship counsellors. What a field to be in eh? Many of them have divorced as well. They grew up in this society and they can’t see beyond these walls or the big picture of what’s going on.
Bluntly put: The power our society has given to women by empowering them has led to the degradation of Biblical and traditional foundations built around the natural role of family. Families are broken. And is it because the man isn’t providing?
No, he is almost always doing his role. It’s usually because the woman is more independent than her counterpart in other countries or her great grandmother was. THAT IS WHY.
There’s nothing wrong with what has led to female empowerment except that it is the main reason why families fall apart and no one can see this. People say it’s money why people divorce. No. Money’s neutral. Money’s a tool, a thought. Most people make enough money to cover their family and surviving, hello.
It’s arguing over money. Let’s see here...independent woman who loves to shop and isn’t as ‘content’ as her counterpart great grandmother versus the husband who in  

most cases is trying to keep it together.
THE REASON FOR DIVORCE ISN’T MONEY. Like I said there’s something invisible going on that no one can see until now. It’s ‘crept’ into our entire society and way of
living. The invisible-ness is her empowerment, for better or worse (is THAT right?)
Not only that, we’ve glorified and empowered. Of course it’s expected a developed society woman will have her way because she knows how to ‘take care of herself’. Then comes the power struggle in a relationship because the man knows how to do that naturally so they bicker. And the drama ensues.
Let me say again; I love independent women because they are strong like a real man (mentally) except still feminine in their ways. I can ‘talk’ with them. They have interesting things to say. We’re on the same level in many ways.
Would I marry one? Not unless I want to bring SUPER drama into my daily life. I’m talking unnecessary drama. I am an alpha male provider and I don’t do certain things period. Someone like me should really marry someone who is my opposite and I don’t mean opposite as equal. I mean polar opposite.
So if you’re a strong male personality for the LONG TERM try and get a wifey that will not give you additional drama about the roles YOU expect her to have and do.
Do we as guys NAG and COMPLAIN to women about work and our jobs or whatever? For the most part NO. Then why in the first world if men are being men and ‘providing’ without complaining are our women just nagging and complaining about every little thing?
It IS a cultural thing. It’s so permeated into our way of living that we don’t even see it anymore. But it just hurts marriages.
A woman in the first world’s just naturally going to be harder for Her to go back to a traditional role because she wasn’t brought up in it. So much of first world marriages are a power struggle.
I strongly BELIEVE in pertaining to a father’s role that it’s more important to spend quality time than quantity time with your kids.
It’s ok to be out there providing for your family but do make sure that you do spend quality time with them and love them and create unforgettable memories. On that note, I also think it’s the wife’s role to spend ‘most of’ the quantity time. Really.

So what is the answer for a strong independent woman? My advice for Nicole Kidman is just to find a low key wussboy of a man; seriously. Because then the relationship will be balanced because she can be her independent self and the man would be willing to ‘just be there’ for her.
Ok, I know that the relationship part was kind of long but I just kept writing when I wrote it and wanted to include it. It’s important things to think about, not from a frustrated first world man’s viewpoint but from one who doesn’t accept such drama or give in to anything that would violate his own reality.
I recommend that you develop your own strong life goals and reality and instead of focusing so much energy on women, step back and let them come to you. Be selective and don’t act like you have to have sex with (and show it) every single hot girl that walks by.
So, yes the relationship material was important to look at here because there are two sides to this story here:
The Wussification of the western Male AND dealing with her power for the long run. I’ve included that information to help you get a picture that you aren’t the only one at fault (though you are accountable for who you are) if you have been acting wussy
(remember I used to be one too from pure confusion).
Women are NOT acting naturally and that is the primary cause for the behaviour pattern of wussiness in male western society. Also men are partly to blame by letting our ‘forced reality’ of added value and sexuality ‘get to them’ so much that it really DOES affect their behaviour so that they get skerred and incongruent with who they
really are any time they see a hot woman.
Ultimately, I think all of us as men have had wussy behaviors in relating to women purely because of how we were brought up in our society and culture which perpetuates a forced reality on top of the natural paradigm of attraction and mating where your true success lies. Being a wussy is unnatural; center your life on principles.
It’s your call know too much. Your aware of information most men will go their whole lives without and that which is will o�en destroy them and massively
affect their true character and strength of being a man. At least be aware and
empowered yourself. You have more self-control and power than you know of.

Offtopic / the natural balance of teh universe.
« on: October 12, 2008, 12:32:35 am »


Is it about time for some information on this subject to come out or what!? There is a HUGE and growing rift in our society where many men are confused as to how women are behaving and treating them. And women are wondering, “Where are all the ‘real’ men?”
Are men supposed to be ultra ‘sensitive’ or wussified so that they kiss up to women all the time? No. I’m going to look at the root of where this came from. However, worse than the wussification of the male is something even grittier which is the real behavioural cause for most marriages failing.
Some people may think is blasphemy that I would even think it, yet, sadly it is true despite all violent opposition it may gain from progressive, educated, liberal, feminist thinkers and some of our media.
However it is up to you to deal with our modern social dynamics and know where you stand as a male in our modern society and for the rest of your life; especially in relating and living with women. It is up to each man to do his best part.
Ultimately relationships should be a good harmony between a man and woman. Hopefully I can bring that balance back or at least give the  male awareness of his own inherent power.
I feel and know that I am the messenger for this great social issue’s awareness because  

of the level of clarity I have realized after studying and observing relational social psychology, behaviour patterns, biology, tradition, religion, personal experience and cultural differentiation. Also because no one has even brought it up from a universal perspective.
Because of the inherent ‘truth’ of my discoveries and it’s multi-paradigm approach, man today can be re-awakened and empowered again.
The root of our problems are so obvious that the rest of the world must be snickering at the goings on in western culture. Why don’t any of them stand up and say anything? Maybe they are everyday; I don’t know.
Partly because I think most Westerners (sadly) wouldn’t believe them because we’re so busy, wrapped up in our cultural lifestyle (yes there is one), and only see what is right in front of us.
Even if someone was telling me some insight I would have filtered it out. We have to become ‘aware’ of it ourselves. With this information you can be aware for yourself.
As a Western society first world man myself who did realize the universal contextual dynamics without anyone telling me (through my own observations of cultural differentiation), I think Western men (and women) will stand up and listen to me.
We need an insider who ‘gets it’ and someone with enough balls to take on the media, imminent feminists, and jaw-dropping emotional retaliatory response from our female population to ‘start’ it going.
From there, men can start being open to their own right to power instead of wussiness and can spread it from there. The point for me is to just get the message out. I am founded in multiple paradigms of truth and this is where I draw my strength from and you can too.
The divergence and frustration in our society is reaching a peak in the last few years and it’s time for some universal clarity without the shallow solutions of pervasive 50/50 ‘dating advice’, ‘tips’, or ‘how to pick up chicks’.
This is the global macro-dynamics of our relationships and not a shallow fix. If you relate to women at all, then this concerns you.
Whether you may be more interested in the ‘short term’ success of ‘attracting women’ or not; these issues are far more important and essentially lead to your ultimate success anyways. None of those seduction experts bother to go into relationships because they

know that’s a big mess as well.
They are also unaware of the global dynamics which explains this behaviour in the first place that they are working against; they’re just happy to ‘see results’ because sex is a short term solution to a long term desire.
I will not be bashing women directly but rather looking at their own behaviour patterns (which I may bash) as part of the culture in which they were brought up; accepting that they are who they are, but not giving them any slack for it because as a man YOU have to know how to deal with it and where to stand.
I will say that part of the problem is that men are being wussies to women and this is part of what is making things worse in the short term but I think you can tell who is destroying the long term relationships (without their own awareness or acknowledgement).
Independent women have added unparalleled value to our society and culture and it wouldn’t be fair to not mention that here, but primarily, this is going to have a pro-male stance; it has to be because of the opposite is happening in our media and society.
However, I will cover things not from the angle of a solely ‘hardcore traditionalist’ (keep her barefoot and pregnant over the kitchen sink) but rather from a universal perspective that really puts the natural alignment back into place for men to be successful with women (hence giving women what they want in the short term).
Primarily this information will make a man more comfortable in who he is and in HIS relationship to our fragmented and flipped society.
I will purposely cover primarily the long-term view for two reasons:
#1: It is what really matters the most throughout a man’s life (unless he really is a permanent bachelor) and his dedication of time, money, destiny and peace
#2: The global perspective of ‘stepping forward’ to explain the results, consequences, reality and ultimately the foundational behaviour patterns and dynamics of our wussified society (and the powerful women) is more important than short-term sex or even a ‘dating fixation’ which may lead to disaster in the long run with the wrong type of woman

Let me talk about the ‘wussification’ of the Western man and get straight to the point. Today men are acting unnaturally around women, especially when meeting them and even dating them.
This is vastly hurting their chances of success in dating. Unfortunately few can look beyond at the REAL consequences of this type of woman to prevent disaster ahead; but before I primarily talk about the long-term dynamics here I’ll say some more about the wussyness factor upfront when meeting women (no one talks about the long term REALITY).
Women WILL often reject men even before they approach her. Why? She has extrasensory perception and intuition of body language. She knows where he is coming from.
Her social prowess is very adept at picking these things up, so much so that a man may not even be aware but she has already decided if he has a chance or not. It’s more important that a man ‘be’ a man that knows how to make her feel the inherent magic of her own unexplainable and biological response mechanisms.
She’ll say she wants one thing and obviously go for another because of how the man ‘makes her feel’. Looks aren’t important anymore because the real counterparts of our hottest women, have for the most part become wussies.
They kiss up to her, give her the power and let her squeeze their balls. She doesn’t want this power and she can’t tell him how to be or not to be. She’s waiting for a man who just KNOWS how to ‘be a man’ who she can respond to and start the sexual mating dance with.
Most men are not behaving like their real self around women and women are wondering “where are all the ‘real’ men”? Men think that being nice to her will work and they see her run off with a bad boy while she cries on the nice guy’s shoulder.
She can tell they are being weak. She doesn’t want another ‘wussboy’ at her heels who sucks onto her energy like a leech and keeps calling her or wanting to buy her things. He’s essentially trying to cover up the fact that he wants to get into her pants by putting on a facade upfront and really not being his true self.
A woman respects honesty and congruency. If she can see who a man is who doesn’t make apologies for who he is; she knows he’s not a wuss (unless he proves wrong and turns sappy after a few weeks professing his love for her and then it’s over).
Wussies are coming from a shaky foundation in the first place that isn’t natural.
 They are doing what society has taught them to do; ‘court her’ and take her on traditional dates.

Well, times have changed and there’s too much implied intention and pressure on women in these scenarios. Today’s women are more carefree and do want things to happen naturally. Plus, they’re being chased by all kinds of wussies that they just don’t have time for.
These men think that because they’re interested in her that she’ll be interested in them; NOT if they’re acting like a wussy. A wuss is someone who is just handing over the power and favour to her, often without even knowing it.
Most of these men (and I used to be a wussboy as well) really are great guys with a lot to offer but are confused as to why women are the way they are.
I could talk on and on about ‘how’ men are wussies (from buying her things to impress her to chasing her instead of her chasing him to just not being his true self up front with her) but it’s more important to understand how we were wussified.
From there it’s even more important to briefly look at the long-term dynamics that even 50/50 relationship counsellors can’t grasp because of their limited vision. Yes it’s going to piss people off but am I dependent on ‘having to’ marry a western woman just because I’m here? No.
You don’t have to deal with it or accept it yourself; it’s not ‘running’ from anything (actually it is..running from turmoil), instead it’s wanting peace and fulfilment by making an educated life decision and not being sucked into a trap if there are warning signs.
This may seem a little out there for you to even comprehend if you’re thinking of course I’d marry a western woman...well...just think about things, that’s all. Look at what’s really going on in marriages here. If you’re still single, you don’t ‘owe’ any woman anything.
You can see how adamant I am about the long term issue but before that continues let me cover more of how we became ‘wussified’ in the first place. Athrough it’s historical and cultural coverage but basically in western culture its different. Who we are as a culture has become invisible and second nature to those of us who are in it.
We take what we see for granted. Little do most of us realize that our culture is quite different from other cultures around the world. More importantly, our behaviour patterns are distinctively different from other culture’s around the world still despite much global influence.  

Most countries are still grounded in tradition; they are slower to change than the Western societies...ironically their divorce rates are much lower.
The wussification of the male population began with the empowerment of woman. Basically around the suffrage movement in the early 1900’s and getting women to vote.
I’m not here to argue about the empowerment of women; feminism has a lot of advantages but unfortunately it’s GREATLY affected our relationship dynamics for the worse and both sexes are suffering.
Today women have more power than ever before and are man’s equal on many fronts. Of course we take this for granted as just part of who we are and how we live. No one questions it.
Little does anyone (especially most relationship counsellors) realize that the real cause has been covered up in the first place. We just ‘deal’ with the fact that women are independent today and that’s how it is...most counsellors and lawsuits ironically favour women anyways and this doesn’t help either.
Men have become wussified through our society and cultural and it’s influences. The media has had a big role to play in this. The days of ‘Leave it to Beaver’ or “leave it to her indoors” are over.
Despite all of the glamour and glory of our beautiful social exterior as a collective society, there is a lot of hurt going on inside; especially in relationships.
The portrayal and exploitation of beauty and it’s consistent inundation has become so pervasive that of course we are used to it) but it really has a big effect on the wussification of the Western society man.
They allow themselves to fantasize about the women they see and become so emotional about it by lingering on the topic that when they see a woman in public who has this social level of validation that they instantly connect her beauty to, they become weak and when she turns him down (rooted because of the power shift) he wants her even more.
And if he keeps looking more and more at pictures of ‘beautiful’ or ‘sexy’ women he’ll continue to build the value of it in his own mind and he’ll want it even more because he ‘can’t have it’.
Women continue to treat him like this (for their place in our ‘forced reality’) and he become
 more escapist and repressed. It changes his behaviour and the way he acts towards women even if he is a grounded man in all other ways; he’s not being himself, he’s being a ‘wuss’ just by his body language and actions upon the sight of someone he perceives to match this ‘ideal’.
The entire glorification and edification of beauty this ‘forced reality’ has given women more power than ever before in history and some of the world is still looking on in shock. You have to understand that this didn’t exist before.
The Western society was (and arguably still is) the most progressive Society in the world, leading in many industries, civil rights, women’s rights, equal opportunity and more. It was probably inevitable that her power was going to happen. Am I saying there’s anything wrong with it?
I’m saying there are implications both good and bad (both extremes), but what I think most of our women are underestimating is that their traditional female counterparts around the world (while not having as many ‘options’ in life), are quite content to play their natural and biological role of nurturing, raising a family and being a mother and often times don’t WANT to have the level of opportunity Western women do because they clearly see what it’s done to families.
You start giving this level of power and opportunity to women elsewhere in the world (as is happening in major cities worldwide), she will be influenced but will normally hold true to the base cultural context of her country.
This means that in a strongly traditional culture (Japan, Thailand, etc.) women should keep it in check without getting too independent because they know that they’ll turn away men who want to marry them because they won’t be as good of a housewife and supporter of her husband.
It’s just in the western society that we promote this and actively want women to express their freedoms but it just ends up hurting relationships and the women would never acknowledge it was ‘them’ who was doing it. Remember our men are acting more biologically accurate in the long-term, and sorry to say but are women aren’t.
I have to give it to the conservatives who have been saying that tradition is what works and is the way it’s supposed to be for long term success. Our cultural defiance of that tradition and her empowerment to create a 50/50 society is now so strong it affects almost people in the entire Western Society
Because of this level of permeation, men on a mass scale over the last several decades have become weaker and weaker generally with the more power we have given to  

women. I’m sorry but I don’t know what’s going to happen if Hillary becomes President that will HELP guys become less of a wussy.
I would predict that silently the men of the first world(& the rest of western society) would become even more wussified, women would become even more empowered than ever before, our media would step things up a couple notches and there’ll be an EVEN greater need for this information (and the success with women information).
Women are free to go about their lives as men once did (objectively stating) and the wussy men are now becoming the matches to these dominant women.
It’s up to you whether you want to fall for this long term. Your awareness is your key to power so you can change. Short term you have unlimited options for short term relationships (without the drama) once you understand how to live in the natural paradigm of your reality instead of seeing the forced reality, but here I
really want you to see the big picture.
Just listen to the words of feminists and how they view men and you’ll see a big clue into why our marriages are failing. Women are strong and they’re ‘proud’ of it...what does this mean in a marriage though?
Who is going to lead? You can see why there’s turmoil because the power struggle ensues. I’ve seen and experienced personally around married families and we ALL know couples that have trouble and that have broken up; we take it for granted.
She wasn’t ‘supposed’ to have this power; it’s not accounted for in the Bible or elsewhere. Although it’s great in certain ways, it’s unnaturally shifted the relationships dynamics and caused men to be intimidated, oppressed and wussified by her ‘aura’, power and the growing cultural representation that men are weaker sex (maybe it started with Roseanne, maybe earlier).
We used to have Archie Bunker with ‘All in the Family’ on one extreme and now we have ‘Will & Grace’ towards the other extreme. I’ve only seen a few minutes of each show but I know what the relationship dynamics are.
I think it’s depressing that so many sitcoms don’t show alpha male behaviour but instead have strong women and ‘sensitive’ men where often times the woman will be the smart one and save the day while men are portrayed as bumbling idiots.
Our media continues to propagate feminine beauty because ‘sex sells’ and the fact that women aren’t ‘giving it up’ to every wussy that comes along puts them further up the pedestal to make sex sell even more.

Western culture consumes glamour, beauty and porn like mad. Women become the ‘goddesses’ to the average guy who would ‘do anything’ to be with her. He is influenced by what he sees and then listens to our song lyrics that just REEK of male wussiness.
This especially apparent in the last decade. This is further making the wussification more eminent. Lyrics like ‘She’s so high above me’, ‘I’d die for her’, ‘I’d do anything for love’, etc.
And these are often catchy songs that women will love too because it’s ‘emotional’ and is connecting with her altruistic social persona’s ideal of a man professing his undying love for her.
This makes our women run in real life. It’s the crap all kinds of guys want to profess to her before he even knows her or who she really is. He’s placing his ideal onto her.
They have these wussies chasing their tails everywhere and can’t get rid of them. You have to look at the behaviour of women in how they act and react with men and not at what they say they want or feel sappy about.
Cinderella used to want her Prince Charming and he was a nice guy. Most Western men are nice guys at heart. Our women are not behaving naturally (on a deep evolutional level) anymore and therefore may dream of Prince Charming because of the stories they were told to find a nice guy who could ‘take care of them’.
Now our ‘Cinderella’s’ are falling for the bad boy hanging on the outside of the ballroom steps. Why?
Because her alpha male options have run dry; her real counterparts aren’t acting like alpha male men anymore so she has to accept what’s left. If you look deeply Prince Charming wasn’t really a wuss; he was a good looking guy who had his act together who would make a great husband.
Most men in the world aren’t wusses because their women actually RESPOND to nice guy behaviour (hard to believe isn’t it? I’ve experienced it countless times myself); otherwise we’d all go extinct.
You’re not the problem. You shouldn’t ‘want’ to be a bad boy just to align yourself with these women’s model of reality. It’s dangerous, imbalanced and unstable.
Our women have run out of options because our men have edified them too much and have changed their own behaviour; they’re treating every hot women that comes along as another Queen and they as the servant just by their own body language (in which  
their unstable thoughts are transmitted). Prince Charming wasn’t Cinderella’s ‘servant’. Our society has twisted this out of proportion.
Then we have our movies. “Just tell her how you feel” is in countless movies. Most of this stuff actually works on really traditional and emotionally balanced, healthy women but you have to be careful there because there is usually more expected commitment on your part.
There is a great incongruence on different levels in our society; no wonder men are confused. Movies will end with the guy profession his love to her and kissing her but we don’t see what happens afterwards that if she’s a feisty one they’re going to break up because he was a wussy.
Men can be charming as long as they are grounded in their own reality; it’s a mixture of behaviour that intrigues women. It’s just the way I am and most men are trying to figure out how to act around women when it doesn’t even matter if you’re grounded in the natural reality of not giving up your own power.
You aren’t selling out to her but every now and then you’ll do something that really pleases and surprises that SHOWS how much you really do care for her. Don’t ever tell her “I love you” 100 times a day like some sources literally suggest and women say they want you to (socially programmed); that is super wuss. You communicate more strongly through your actions that you’re there for her, etc.
You have to live in your reality if you want real success in life and with women. If you get wrapped up in what society’s pervasively throwing at you of all the wrong things to do (because our women have changed) you’ve most surely been wussified.
If we had a nation of women that were more traditional, say like our grandmothers were, we wouldn’t have as much excitement in our culture, true but we would have much more stable relationships.
The book and movie ‘Stepford Wives’ is another by product of our ‘forced reality’. It thinks it’s getting a lesson through but I can see right through it and so can the rest of the world.
They’re almost making fun of the fact that traditional women are comically brain dead; I think this is an INSULT to most of the women in the world who are raising stable, healthy families.
How about ‘Mona Lisa Smile’? Another by product of our ‘forced reality’. An independent teacher (Julia Roberts) encourages her traditional female students to be independent
when they just want to be good housewives.
It’s pathetic how no one can see what’s going on...we just take it for granted without viewing it from another context of realizing that this social programming ‘encouraging’ women to grow (amongst other things) is the root of our relationship failures.
This subject of media influence is so pervasive over the past decades I could go on for days on how it has affected the wussiness of the Western male (Martha Stewart, Mr. Mom, divas, actresses, etc.) and the newfound power of the female, leading to drastic relationship consequences.
Even the movie, ‘Cheaper by the Dozen’ the wife really is a super mum and never left the kids until she writes a book and has to leave them with the busy dad ‘Steve Martin’. She starts to realize her own independence (which is great BUT...) and views the situation in a whole different light.
Simply to say, Steve Martin becomes the semi-wussy dad ‘trying to pull things together’ comically and she has much sharper responses after she comes back from her trip.
Times have changed, things are more complicated but you have to get a grasp on the main issues if you want the most control and choice in your life. You can STILL find women who want to raise a family and support you as #1 and head of the household but there are very few left in our society if any at all (who haven’t been influenced by our social programming).
There are millions of available women in the world who would be a tremendous RELIEF to  men if they just knew how different and refreshing things WOULD be, with these women who don’t expect much more than for you to lead the way and provide. You wouldn’t be challenged all the time or cut down, oppressed wouldn’t have to be a confused wussy (if you ever were).
Take a look at the Russian Bride trend. This is just one of the many paradox outlets I talk about. There’s solid reasoning behind this and the way I see it, you’re not less of a man to go that route but someone who has chosen to take his power back in a different way instead of leaving our society tell you what to do.
Men aren’t aware that beneath the forced reality is the natural paradigm of which he can be most successful with women that women are begging for (where are all the real men) but the long term dynamics are a sticky issue with these women.
Sure our women will be shocked I might try to sway the power back to where it belongs (in relationships that work) but after all of the frustration, confusion and inevitable
 anger men have put up with it’s about time our women had a taste of their own medicine to feel some of the consequences of their own behaviour.
I really don’t plan on marrying a Western woman; the way I see it, they don’t stand a chance of ‘catching me’ and I’m NOT a super geek (well..part of me is); I’m a cool guy, normal social status with a lot going on.
What happens when you take your power back and let them prove themselves and still understand she doesn’t have much of a chance for the long term...? Well, short term might work out on your own schedule because you don’t really care anyways because you’re not a wuss.
When you’re dewussified, you have your own power and control back. You’re not dependent, clingy or needy on ANY woman. You will slap yourself for not seeing these things sooner and you will laugh at how tragically ridiculous everything going on is but you will be cured and realigned to have the greatest success with women and
potentially long term peace

Let’s look deeper into the long-term relationship aspects which may be quite boring to you if you only want to get a quick fix of getting laid; then at least come back when you’re ready to move on in your life because you’ll find information here that may shockingly open your mind to the reality of life with the counterpart of the average western society husband.
As in the words of Bill Engvall and I paraphrase, “Honey, I’m cold...” and I got up and walked over to put the heat on...and she probably called her mother and said, “ I’ve got him...”’ It starts slowly...

With the shift of power, man has become CONFUSED. It was his role to be the natural leader and all of a sudden he is competing with women and often being outperformed by them. They hold higher positions than him in the work environment, etc.
A woman’s power and ‘who she is’ obviously extends into her relationships with men. She expects things. She can take of herself. She is opinionated and goal-oriented. She has taken on the roles that man used to have available to him.
So what does this do to a relationship? Where do I start? At best, our relationships with these empowered women have become 50/50. Even alpha males themselves are caught up in massive power struggles with an independent woman in a relationship.
They are both used to ‘leading’. Obviously this creates drama, turmoil, tension especially after the initial sparks (she’s so much ‘like’ me).
Finding a woman who ‘has it all together’ may seem GREAT when ‘dating’ but unfortunately means that your long-term relationship has AT LEAST a 50% chance of NOT being together.
Even more if you are an alpha male who is very set in your ways and opinionated. She’s become too much like a man. There is no one to suck up all of the drama, energy and light like there used to be...except, the WUSSBOY.
The thing is, I don’t believe all men are supposed to be wussies; I know they aren’t. Nature and evolution and theocracy says they aren’t. Who is the ultimate wussboy? How about a 40 year old virgin?
Take this apply it across an entire country who is confused or intimidated by our independent and GPPS (gold-plated pussy syndrome) or ‘pussy power’ women; then what?
No one would be procreating and we would eventually become extinct. This is a defiance of nature. All species naturally know how to perpetuate themselves without anyone have to teach them. But something called the ‘forced reality’ has changed this.
This social and cultural reality we have placed upon the traditional and biological reality of our grandparent’s generation (and the dominant paradigm in most of the world) has thrown the power balance off and deeply affected man’s behaviour and how he views women.

« on: October 10, 2008, 10:14:09 pm »
post edited por razones del linguaje, dificil a entender.

Offtopic / Re:Macho alfa??
« on: October 10, 2008, 09:57:37 pm »
Diego, i hope your english is still good.

you are making errors by labeling behaviours, or bahaviour patterns...why do we call the colour pink, pink and not by the name red, because someone gave it that name, someone gave a label to it.

In order to understand everything, what is alpha, what is beta etc 8or what ever names you wish to use) you have to go to the root of human behaviour, and go on that self discovery path in finding out what caused the wussie in the first like myself had a top score in double figures before we came into this \"mundillo\".

what is natural male and masculine behavioure is the alpha male....what is unnatural is the wussie..

but what caused the wussie in the first place.

I do have a free 40 page ebook explaining that (and it took more than 2years of research and an indeapth view intoour society to create. and few professors of universitysies both sides of the atlantic, have told me they agree with what i write!)

in only 40 pages i really show how deep the rabbit hole is!.

My only question is should i relise this to the public? I really dont think I should. as it runs agains almost everything that you see, read or hear.
Included is why we have juvenile crime and domestic violence and a very high divorce rate.

this 40 page book has nothing to do with seduction.
but you can learn a lot from that.

\"the wussification of the western male2.



Juego Interno / Re:NLP & Inner game
« on: October 06, 2008, 06:24:07 pm »
SirLouen wrote:

But surely if you have a wrong \"reality\" (apart that it helps your inner game to push foward) it won\'t help you get whatever you want.

If you have the wrong reality, then you are pushing the pussy up on a pedestal, that will not help in any case (unless you are willing to put up with a lot of (unneccessary and unneeded, unwanted ) drama!
50-50 relationships do not work either, see the bigger picture.

In todays society we have divorcees that are handing out marriage advice, Mariage guidance councillers that are divorced them selves, how f*cked up is that.
so how is this for an equation
50-50 relationships = 50% divorce ratio we have in the western world.

look to the difference between women in the civilised first world, in comparison to women from countrys that still hold traditional values, where the woman look after the home and the children. While the male provides. western women sayy these woman are repressed. , they are missing a huge point These women are happy. Happy in their traditional roles. look back  to 100 years ago, divorce was uncommon and very much unheard of. So what changed? WHo changed? Man? nope, women (in the western world) changed moving from their traditional (and biological role)as nurturer and carer
to moving into a mans environment and taking on male characteristics (being more dominant, more pushy)
the male in turn took some female characteristics (submissive) thus born the wussie! some how the roles became reversed.

PU is about resolving internal issues, taking the power back.

quite faunny how my gran still talks to my grandad 2 years after he died. while today we have couples that will throw electrical appliances at each other...its a power struggle, simply because of media pressure woman no longer knows he role. the constant reading and hearing in our media generated society that she must be the one that wears the pants in the realtion ship.

Juego Interno / Re:NLP & Inner game
« on: October 05, 2008, 07:21:10 pm »
SirLouen wrote:

Today, there are \"alpha\" girls that dominate loads of guys.

That may be so, but it is not natural, maybe you should read my 40 page ebook the wussification of the western male\"
in order to understand what caused teh wussie in the firs place.

Juego Interno / Re:NLP & Inner game
« on: October 05, 2008, 07:17:37 pm »
SirLouen wrote:
I believe in

its not about what you belive in.

Also looking to girls as inferior beings is the most wrong mistake you can make, because your are \"reprograming\" (then you are inducing your own inner game, while you are critizing it btw) this that is fully demonstrated in the society.

this is the exact reprogrammig that society needs, I do not look to women as inferior but as the weaker sex.
if you are not the king of your world ruler of your do you expect a woman to follow you in your life path? a man has to be stronger more dominate, not just for biological reasons, take physological resons into it...a woman has to (in the sexual process, weather for pleasure or repruductive reasons) accept something entering her body, thus she has to submit to the male counter part.

there is no exception to this in the animal world.

Juego Interno / NLP & Inner game
« on: October 04, 2008, 05:17:28 pm »
Did or has anyone actually realised that it does nt matter how much NLP or \"Inner game\" that you use if you have the Incorrect Paragim of Society?

I came to realise that it does nt really matter how much or how good your game (Direct / Indirect, Inner game or NLP) that you use your success with women is still random if you have the incorrect paragim model of society, (WOman is = to men, or woman has more power than men). The correct model is that man is above woman, top of the food chain. Head of teh house hold. End of story. There are no exceptions.

If you live in teh false reality where Social** = Sexual, then you, I am afriaid are leeking away apart of your inherent masculine power. It is to say if you see a hot assed blonde in skin tight jeans low cut top, enseñando las tetas and you refere to this as her being attractive, (or are left open mouthed, stutering or momentarly losing your concentration) then you are living in the false reality, created by our media, propagation of a womans sexuality or sexploitation. This, the hot blonde, ultra hottie is just a (our, western first world civilation) socio-cultural abductation of a womans sexuality, as in other cultures such as asian, arab they would consider such an image as disgusting and unattractive.

Live in the natural world where Natural** = Sexual. She was born to be the carer, to bear children to look after the house hold and the family. It´s in her biological make up to be that way. It does nt matter how much her social programming is to be a powerful independent woman, she cannot fight mother nature, her own biological responce and her DNA (ADN).

A woman that is sexploiting herself and her image (wearing sexy clothers, etc) is really just out fishing for man, or male company....the sexier or more she exploits this, well quite frankly the more she is fishing for male attention.

The only frame I have these days is \"when a woman gets to know me, she will absolutly fall in love with me, as it is in her natural and emotional nature to do so\"


\"its always on\".

Understand this and you will be just be beginning to press the \"turbo\" botton on your game. I gave up on inner game a long time ago...and tecniques (and NLP) and replaced it all with what is written above, and a few other concepts such as being the centre (rock solid centre) of your universe and getting girls to orbit your world like an orbita satellite. so if required go read again and understand it. Under no circumstances will I enter a girls world and become apart or part of her orbital universe, not for even the most prettyest/sexiest/hottest girl . I will NEVER sell up on my dignity or lose my much valued masculinity just \"to be lucky to be near/around her, her royal princess\". No way...just no fucking way! Some things just have no price.

Knowledge + Inaction = Zero

PUssy Control


** = social character y Natural Character.

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